
Saint-Nicolas is a village in the Aosta Valley. It is located on the left bank of Baltea river, at 1200m.a.s.l.. Its location in the middle of a green valley makes it one of the sunniest parts of the Valley. From here you can enjoy an excellent view of the glaciers of Grivola and Ruitor.

Located 15km far from Aosta and 8km from Saint-Pierre, Saint-Nicolas is an excellent destination for those who love peace and live in contact with nature.

A short walk from the town center lies the "Bois de la Tour" woods. Of particular interest is the viewpoint from where you can see panoramic views of the valley from Saint-Pierre to Avise. The picnic area, at the foot of the forest, is certainly one of the most beautiful among Aosta Valley. From the first warm days of the spring until late summer it is a nice destination for those who love outdoor grilling.

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